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In 2022, we published our first publication on data quality in the FLOW project, based on monitoring results from 2021. The conclusion of the evaluation is that citizen scientists can collect high quality data on stream hydromorphology, macroinvertebrate communities at the family level and on pesticide expousre (using the bioindicator SPEARpesticides). This is provided that all groups leaders attend training courses on the FLOW protocols and macrozoobenthos identification and that all participants are well prepared and accompanied during fieldwork by an experienced mentor (with good identification skills). FLOW data can then be used to complement official monitoring.

In 2024, we published our second publication on the results of the FLOW monitoring in 2021, 2022 and 2023. This study shows that the macroinvertebrate community is altered by pesticide inputs in about 60% of the agricultural streams analysed (n=101). The majority of the streams analysed (in agricultural, urban and other areas) also showed an unsatisfactory hydromorphology.

A further study on the effects of the FLOW project on participants’ knowledge, skills and behaviours will be published shortly.

Other studies from our team on citizen science:

  • Bonn, A., Brink, W., Hecker, S., Herrmann, T.M., Liedtke, C., Premke-Kraus, M., Voigt-Heucke, S., von Gönner, J., (...) 2022. Weißbuch Citizen Science Strategie 2030 für Deutschland. Leipzig, Berlin,
  • Engel, T., Chowdhury, S., Friedrichs-Manthey, S., von Gönner, J., Herrmann, T., Klenke, R., et al. (2023). Digitalisierung in Citizen Science und Naturschutz - Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis. Nat. Landsch. 98 (6+7), 319–329. doi:10.17433/6.2023.50154135.319-329
  • von Gönner J., Büermann A., Höhener O., Roffler U., Sieber A., Bonn A. (in press) Community Management in Citizen Science-Projekten - ein Leitfaden. Citizen Science – Gemeinsam forschen! Ein Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. (eds. T.M. Herrmann, M. Brandt, D. Dörler, F. Heigl, C. Liedtke, M. Martin, A. Bonn). Springer.

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