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Study on FLOW monitoring results published

From 2021 to 2023, 96 trained FLOW groups with over 900 participants analysed a total of 137 streams across Germany. Together, we were able to show that in 60 percent of the agricultural streams studied (n=101), the invertebrate fauna is negatively affected by pesticide inputs. In terms of hydromorphology, 65 percent of the agricultural sample sites fail to achieve good status according to the Water Framework Directive.

We have now published our results here in the journal "Science of the Total Environment". Here you can find a detailed summary of the results in German. A summary of the study with recommendations for political decision-makers can be found here.

The press releases on the FLOW study can be found here: UFZ and BUND. You can read an interview on the results on the RiffReporter website.

Many thanks to all contributors, group leaders and supporters for their great commitment in the FLOW project!

Our results show that there is an urgent need for action in freshwater monitoring and protection. We are therefore continuing the FLOW monitoring in 2024 with around 60 volunteer groups nationwide. In the future, we would like to work with you to develop and implement stream protection measures that are supported by all relevant interest groups. An application for funding is currently being processed. We will keep you up to date and look forward to working with you in the future!


Photo: Jörg Farys, FLOW-Project conference September 2023 in Leizpig.

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